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The recovery drink is a must have after a workout.

Part of the Italian lifestyle is being healthy.  That means you really should be getting some exercise.  Therefore, after every workout it is very important to refuel the body for optimal performance.

When you workout, you tear down your muscles.  This drink will aid in the rebuilding process of the muscles and help you recover much quicker from the workout.  When I skip one of these, I can definitely feel the soreness from the workout the next day.

So make sure to have one of these following the workout, and you will notice a much faster recovery so you can work out sooner without soreness.  This drink is optimally formulated to correctly balance carbohydrates and protein, and replace what you just lost in your workout.  In addition, this drink can also be used for a meal replacement by upping the protein powder to a full scoop.  (It’s much better to eat a real meal, this should only be done once in a while.)

Prep Time: 1 Minute

Blend Time:  1 Minute

Total Time : 2 Minutes


  • 8 oz Fat Free Milk
  • 1/2 Banana
  • 1/2 Cup Frozen Berries
  • 1/4 Scoop Protein Powder (1 full scoop for meal replacement)


  • Combine all ingredients in a blender.
  • Blend away.
  • Drink within 30 minutes of completing your workout.
  • Recommend to take your multi-vitamin at the same time

1 Serving